We know when man fell, there was one to come of their
linage that was to bruise Satan's head under His feet.( Genesis
3:15 ) We know that one was Christ. And we know Satan's head was
bruised under His feet. Because, Satan in no way ever overcame
Him. In every temptation, He overcame. And He was tempted in all
points like as we. But He overcame all. and now He has come back
to us, to give us, through Him, that same Power and authority to
overcome Satan, and bruise him under our feet, ( read Romans
As Evelyn Carter wrote in her
book: " No Ground Satan, No Ground ". And that is
what it means to rule and reign with Him. We rule and reign
with Him, that is the secret. We must be dependent upon the
one who alone can bruise Satan under our feet. If we
act independently of Him as Adam and Eve did, we will fall.
We, of ourselves can- not bruise Satan under our feet.
But He in us can.
Remember, Roman's 16:20 says:
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet
shortly. And that is when we come into full subjection to Him
( God). Letting the Full- ness of Him come in us, to rule and
reign in us, in all His Fullness. Letting His Life be the Life
that is lived. There is no other way. The plain and simple
truth is: HE IS THE WAY. And he is in us. When we find Him in
the temple, let's wholly follow Him. Not our own man ( ideas
and opinions ) nor any other, but wholly follow God. And He
will lead us to
Victory over Satan ( self ). He will make us
victorious in Him, over death, hell and the grave. A wonderful
Victory. To Him be the Glory, for all that He has done.
I am learning that all these
things in the scriptures are not just allegories, but real,
very real. And we can know by experience, These things
becoming reality in us.
This is real, a literal experience. I have experienced it, and
I KNOW. It isn't just an allegory IT IS REAL. A real
experience that we can enter into.
It is of our choosing, whether we will be wise or foolish
virgins, The wise seek God. This is still laying the ground
work for the Great, Glorious, Final Structure to be built on,
which is Him. We will find it is all of Him, and in Him. And
that, it is so important to follow the GOD IN YOU. There is no
other way for any-one of us We MUST FOLLOW GOD for ourselves.
And KNOW HIM for ourselves.
As Linda said, " We are all a world " And these
things are to happen in each and every one of us. So that is
why, it is so important to know and follow Him for ourselves.
For us, each of us, There is no other way If we follow any
other, we will be foolish virgins. We must have the oil, (
Spirit ) in our own vessels. We can
follow the God we see in others, but we have to be sure it is
God we are following, and not man. The Apostle Paul said,
" Follow me as I follow Christ. " But there will
come a time for each of us , when we are no longer under
tutors and governors, but we must follow Him for ourselves,
AND KNOW HIM FOR OURSELVES to fully enter in. I do
desire My Full Inheritance, and I Thank Him for it, To
gain back the Place
in Him, from whence we fell. To ever Live with Him, in His
Glorious and Marvelous Light.
This is our Heritage, Our Portion, and it is being
accomplished in us NOW!
Christmas 2008 I
was sending a card to someone that had the message The Angels
were singing at Christ's Birth. Luke 2: 7-14. (14) "
TOWARD MEN." Then I began to write my thoughts to
put into the card. I thank the Lord that He came to this
earth to bring Peace and Goodwill toward men. The kind
that only God can give. It is such a Glorious
Blessing. Once you taste and see that the Lord is good:
(Psalm 34:8 ), and Partake of this Blessing, you want the
whole world to know about it. So they too, can partake
of it and be Blessed. You want to tell it over and
over, Yes, you want the whole world to know, that
"OUR REDEEMER LIVETH." He came to this world to Save
us, Redeem us and Restore us back to Himself. He did
this by living a sinless life, and giving up His Life in
Crucifixion to pay our sin debt, that we might be free.
He arose from the grave, and has now come back to dwell (take
up residence ) in our hearts and lives, and cause us to be
overcomers through and by Him who over came death, hell and
the grave, and to Restore us back to Himself, as though we had
never sinned. Psalm 107: 2 says, LET THE REDEEMED OF THE
ENEMY." And Believe me, When this happens to you,
you can't keep silent. You want the whole world to know,
that they too, can be Blessed. This is a Blessing the
world cannot give. It only comes from God. His
desire is to give it to whosoever desires it and will receive
it. To God Be The Glory!! A- men and A-men.
I was so excited
when this came to me. I was standing up, saying out loud
to the Lord, " I want to Preach, I want to
preach." I wanted to tell, declare, THE REDEMPTION
STORY. We have to be first a partaker of the Fruit
Ourselves, before we can share it with others. But Oh!
how I want to Proclaim it. As I was receiving this, It
came to me about Job. I had never linked Job with our
Redemption Story. He went through trials and tests as
we, but he never gave in to flesh. His testimony was, "
The Lord giveth, The Lord taketh away. Blessed be The Name Of
The lord. He did not charge God foolishly, He said,
" I know my Redeemer Liveth and my record is on
High." After overcoming in his trials, Job received
a Double Portion. ( and we do too). Then a few words of
a Redemption Song came to me, and I sang it and sang it for
many hours.
Re-deemed, Redeemed by the Blood Of The Lamb. Re-deemed,
Re-deemed, Redeemed Forever I am.
Yes I have had
myself a Glorious time in the Lord. I sure have had a
Glorious Christmas. To be visited by The Lord is worth
everything. There are no treasures, no gifts like the
ones He gives.
Frances Lasater